Community Involvement
We believe one of the most important opportunities we can give our children is the opportunity to develop character. Beginning at birth, interactions are the medium for all character development. As children grow, they are shaped and influenced in fundamental ways by the quality of interactions they experience with key adults in their lives.
Read Indeed
Read Indeed, a nonprofit literacy organization, is the vision of Maria Keller, a book-loving Plymouth native. Maria’s brother, Ryan Keller, now oversees and manages the daily efforts of collecting and distributing books. Maria is still active on Read Indeed’s board of directors.
Kinderberry Hill holds an annual book drive each winter to help teach children about the importance of sharing our gifts and the love of reading with less fortunate children around the world. Since 2011, Kinderberry Hill has collected and donated almost 10,000 books for Read Indeed.
Operation Gratitude
Kinderberry Hill is proud to host an annual Halloween Candy Drive, Operation Gratitude, to benefit US Troops overseas. This is an opportunity for Kinderberry Hill families and our neighbors to donate extra Halloween candy to a good cause. We have been hosting our candy drives since 2010 and have collected thousands of pounds of candy for our military heroes!
Spark the Spirit of Giving
We believe in the value of teaching children the importance of helping others. Kinderberry Hill’s “Spark the Spirit of Giving” event provides an opportunity to share the joy of giving back. Held in November, this annual event held at each school, gives families the opportunity to participate in a variety of simple, hands-on activities. Parents are provided with talking points to discuss with the children about how their actions are helping those in need.