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Fizzy Fun!

Adults know what happens when you mix baking soda and vinegar, but adding some color to this experience when introducing to your child is even better! 

Have your child assist in gathering the ingredients: 

  • baking soda
  • vinegar
  • food coloring or liquid watercolor paint
  • muffin tin
  • spoons, droppers, measuring cups—anything that can transfer liquid

How many ingredients are on the list. Can you count them? Did we find all of them? 


  • Let your child choose the color(s) and add a few drops of food coloring or liquid watercolor to each cup of the muffin tin.
  • Add a spoonful of baking soda to each cup. 
  • Have your child transfer the vinegar to each cup and let the fun begin.

Fun Fact: This experiment can be done with individual containers, but use a muffin tin to watch the reactions spill over into the other cups and colors.

Thought provoking questions to ask:

  • If using more than one color: what color do you think those colors will make?
  • Before adding the vinegar: what do you think will happen next?
  • If the reactions are slowing: what do you think we could do to make colors fizz again?

*Please note that using food coloring may stain skin, clothing, and surfaces. 

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